Monday, March 10, 2008

its raining outside my room and inside my head

I drove for miles today, but I could not escape myself. It's like I wanted every inch of pavement to unbind at least one molecule of my flesh, so that if I just kept driving, then slowly I would peel away and only spirit would eventually be left.

When I was younger, my dad made gave me the refrigerator box and inside I made my home. I would have kept it forever, except cardboard houses get soggy in the rain.

I wish that escaping were easier.


Anonymous said...

Don't runaway from me ever again.

Anonymous said...

everyone is blogging!
i would run away i think if i didnt have to save me gas for the commuting.

KimBeau Hughes said...

i love you tons.

Anonymous said...

hey jade. post again! so i'll see you this sunday?
-ryan maxwell

The Rozell Family said...

hi jade!
ran across this tonight. Are you still out there in the blogging world? been eating any quinoa lately?